American football, known simply as football in the United States, is a team sport (special form of gridiron football) is played between two teams of 11 players with an oval ball [2] on a rectangular field 120 feet (109.73 meters) long and 53.3 meters (48.74 feet) wide with the goal posts at either end. The team that has the ball (offense) trying to advance down the field by running the ball or passing. In order to continue to drive their offense must advance the ball at least 10 yards on the ground in a series of four downs. If they succeed, they receive a new set of four downs to continue their journey, but if they fail, they lose control of the ball to the opposing team. Violations can score points by advancing the ball into the end zone (touchdown) or by place or drop kick the ball through the opponent's goal (field goal), while the defense can score points by forcing a turnover offensively and advancing the ball into the end zone with a tackle infringement or ballcarrier in the zone end violations (safety). The team that scored the most points at the end of the game wins.
American football evolved from early forms of rugby and football, with the first match played on November 6, 1869. Rules change from 1880 by Walter Camp, including snap, 11-a-side team and down, change the rules further legalize the forward pass and create a neutral zone along the width of the football. Today, American football is the most popular sport in the United States, where the National Football League (NFL) is the most popular league. League championship, Super Bowl, including the club's most-watched sporting events in the world.
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