The DFB (Deutscher Fußball Bund) has confirmed a respective report of the "Express" and explained that officials arrived in Frankfurt/Main to get access of several documents about refereeing.
Moreover, according to SID (Sport-Informations-Dienst), even one popular Bundesliga referee from Munich underwent a house search which was confirmed by the concerned referee who did not want to be called by his name. [Merely Dr. Felix Brych, Peter Sippel and Günter Perl come into question].
DFB general secretary Niersbach said that "there [were] no charges against the DFB" and that "the correct payment of tax is resided with every referee himself".
The DFB referee heads Herbert Fandel and Lutz Wagner were surprised: "It is impossible for us so far to say something specific on this issue".
information taken from welt-online.
information taken from welt-online.
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