Felix Brych (c.) in the taxmen's sights |
According to DFB, about 20 DFB Referees will probably be banned during the next weeks as the prosecution has initiated proceedings against them due to tax evasion.
Former FIFA Referee Michael Kempter has confirmed that he is concerned, DFB also confirmed that a Bundesliga referee from Munich, who is appointed for a DFB Cup Match on Wednesday was concerned. Although - as it has now revealed - Brych had to undergo a raid of the police, he is not replaced and will referee his DFB Cup match between Hannover and Mainz.
Even though Fandel said that it was too early to ban referees or to take measures against them, referee instructor Lutz Michael Fröhlich said that there was a lot of anxiety at this moment amongst the whole refereeing.
There are voiced which say that this issue has been known on behalf of DFB since 2009.
In 2009, Cetin Sevinc and Thorben Siewer (underclass referees, 2nd division assistant referees) were protectively banned by DFB as there were official determinations against them, after their verdict of not guilty, DFB reinstated them, Siewer was even promoted. Following DFB's statutes, a referee who is under legal suspicion has to be protectively banned from all competition until the point of the abatement of action.
In 2009, Kempter admitted that he had dodged the tax around 24.000 €, this was revealed or unfolded in the course of investigations concerning the sex affairs.
Finally, one has to state that this case could develop or has already developed to a serious image damage for DFB and its referees and is naturally no peccadillo.
In 2009, Cetin Sevinc and Thorben Siewer (underclass referees, 2nd division assistant referees) were protectively banned by DFB as there were official determinations against them, after their verdict of not guilty, DFB reinstated them, Siewer was even promoted. Following DFB's statutes, a referee who is under legal suspicion has to be protectively banned from all competition until the point of the abatement of action.
In 2009, Kempter admitted that he had dodged the tax around 24.000 €, this was revealed or unfolded in the course of investigations concerning the sex affairs.
UPDATE: FIFA referee Felix Brych admitted that he is the concerned Bundesliga referee from Munich.
Finally, one has to state that this case could develop or has already developed to a serious image damage for DFB and its referees and is naturally no peccadillo.
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