Thursday, 30 June 2011

Red Card against CHA Sung Mi!

Posted by Unknown at 21:46
Just stop smiling, take a seat in a silent corner and read the FIFA rule book!
After we have seen every team at least one time, we may say that there were better perfomances than Germany's. They had to do a lot of work to win both matches, but finally, they did.
Yesterday evening, they had to cope with two aspects: aggressive Nigerian players and a weak South Korean referee: Cha Sung Mi.
What she has done or better, what she has not done, was more or less a refusal to work. She saw nothing, let the play go on several times after strong fouls by NGA. She stole Germany an early goal, but it was hard to see. But why to narrate the whole story and all the mistakes? One can summarize that in one sentence: As neutral spectator you could easily get the impression that the FIFA decision makers picked someone on the street, gave this someone a whistle and said: "Here's your whistle, show what you can".
Normally, one should mean that they do a lot of preparation, no she did not. Absolutely not. It was not enough for any match, let alone for WC matches. The main thing is that Cha has her fun, that she enjoys her match, see the picture above, this picture shows everything. She could not stop laughing, me either, but I laughed about her...
Perhaps one should have taken her from the pitch during the match. The problem is: as team you can do nothing against such a referee, simply nothing. If you want to do something, you get cautions or bans. Referees may claim immunity, they are unimpeachable. An insupportable condition.
If FIFA is consequent, due to such a blindness or refusal to work, Cha must be immediately sent home. However, what happened with Undiano? He got two further matches after his first horrible match...not only that FIFA is blind to recognize Cha's "quality" AHEAD a tournament, they even give her matches like that. FIFA has to ask itself: Do we want to have the maximum possible power density in our referee pool or do we want to have a certain number of each confederation/continent due to the fact that it is a World Cup? In my opinion, both is important but the first one more than the latter one. Quality must be ensured, Irmatov or Nishimura and Hauata as well are good examples for referees who do not even may keep pace with referees coming from UEFA or CONMEBOL zone but who got in the past more important matches and showed better perfomances than other ones. If I must list up some referee perfomances which I will not forget because they were amazing, I will remember Rizzoli's match between Arsenal and Barca and ManU against Bayern, the opener match with Irmatov in South Africa and last but not least Nishimura in NED-BRA. The Asian referees are quite good, but this power density is not ensured on the female level. Fukano was ok, but Melksham and Cha? Sorry, their perfomances cannot be called good. One cannot keep both eyes closed...Therefore: choosing the referees and evaluating them and of course nominating them after their shown perfomances is the right way. Such blindfishes like Cha or Williams in the CHN-KUW match will not be barred from, but their appearance will be limited.


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